
My ankle still throbs but I'm off crutches

It took patience to get this picture because I had to hobble over in under 10 seconds which was a feat itself but then arranging my limbs to look semi-acceptable was much difficult especially when I had to put all my weight on my left leg. But anyway, here I am in said leopard leggings (given to me by my mom's aunt who has a love for everything leopard), lounging around the mountain cabin on a fine Wednesday (2009) morning.


Celia said...

omgah .. okay i love your leggings. and i have been looking for a gray grandpa sweater for forever. and thanks for your comment!

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

love the leggings!


Really cute sweater, I love the top under, too! :)


Serg Riva said...

luv the sister style thoughts.

Electric Atlantis said...

i love the tights...SO much :)